Press Release 18th August, 2021
The demand for good quality media content is high as ‘CV-19 worn’ journalists are seeking fresh angles on how your product or service offering can help people during these times.
Raising your SME profile through the media has never been more opportune says Waikato, New Zealand based, OmniMedia Solutions Chief Consultant, Scott Mathias.
‘Whether you have something for mothers forced to stay at home and entertain the kids, have quality information to share about your area of expertise or become known because of your speciality area of knowledge or skill-set, there is no better time like now to promote’, says Scott Mathias.
As mainstream media has run out of credible authorities to talk about the current CV environment for fear of ‘getting it wrong’, journalists are on the look-out for new, refreshing and inspirational stories to fill their columns and news line-ups.
Whilst a number of journalists are now home based and denied their usual haunts, many of the businesses and institutions they have relied upon in the past are in ‘slow-mode’ with many crawling through their days just dealing with basics.
‘No better time for you to swoop in with the prospect of your article or news story being picked up by radio, TV, newspapers and magazines, offline and online’, suggests Scott.
Every small business – SME – should be using PR right now in order to survive by establishing credibility, brand and service recognition, enhancing online social status, SEO and impacting the market-place in readiness for post these times.
‘By simply providing words, compelling still images or a video ‘reel’ of appropriate footage, or even just a readily available ‘talking head’, you position yourself appropriately for a successful outcome and handsome return on ROI’ says Scott Mathias.
OmniMedia Solutions is a small and nimble digital strategy and word creation consultancy based in New Zealand’s Waikato. It exists to support SMEs in crafting their stories ready for mainstream media exposure and public digestion. No budget is too small and always ready to talk you through potentials.
To Connect: - Tel: +64 27 2652932
Images or voice available upon request.